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Funder | Montclair Fund for Women

Grant Opportunity: Montclair Fund for Women

Due Date: Mar 15, 2023

Focus: Women & Girl Services; Youth Development & Leadership; Education

Region(s): New Jersey

Funding Range: $2,500 - $12,500

Learn More: Apply Now

Overview: The Montclair Fund for Women supports programs that use innovative approaches to achieve educational success and social justice with a special emphasis on women and girls of color in Montclair and North Essex.

Funder | Mott Foundation

Due Date: rolling deadline

Funding Range: $10,000 - over $1,000,000

Focus: Civil Society, Education, Environment, and Flint Michigan Area

Region(s): Flint Michigan, and the United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation envisions a world in which each individual’s quality of life is connected to the well-being of the community, both locally and globally. The Mott Foundation funds grants in the United States and, on a limited geographic basis, internationally. Funding for unsolicited requests is very limited. If you’re interested in submitting an idea to us for funding, the first step is to complete a letter of inquiry (LOI) form. Your LOI will help our program staff determine the relevance of your proposed project to our programs and provide you with advice on whether to submit a full proposal.

Funder | Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation

Due Date: Jan 1 - Jun 1, 2023

Funding Range: $5,000 and up

Focus: Health, Education and Stronger Communities

Region(s): Oklahoma, and the United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: The primary focus of the Noble Foundation granting program is funding agricultural research conducted by Noble Research Institute. In addition, funding is provided to charitable organizations that cultivate good health, support education and build stronger communities.

Funder | Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation

Due Date: Sept 13, 2022

Funding Range: Up to $10,000

Focus: Arts/Culture, Education, Environmental, Health/Medical, Human Services, Religion, Miscellaneous

Region(s): Pennsylvania, and the United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: As a family foundation in Pittsburgh, PA, our philanthropic traditions are well rooted in our continued support of organizations that foster transformative programs which best serve the local community as a whole in the areas of arts and culture, education, environmental, health and medical, human services, and religion. The Foundation has found it beneficial underwriting grants that are tangible in nature or serve a higher number of individuals within the community and surrounding areas. The Foundation continually aids organizations that are endlessly striving to serve the community in various ways such as improving social conditions, expanding education, and working to better the environment.

Funder | Target Foundation

Grant Opportunity: Hometown Programs

Due Date: 2023 to be announced

Focus: Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Workforce Development

Region(s): United States

Funding Range: not listed

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: Target Foundation supports organizations in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region, nationally and globally that are dedicated to civic engagement and community development.

Funder | TJX Foundation

Grant Opportunity: TJX Community Grant

Due Date: letters of interest are accepted on a rolling basis

Focus: Basic Needs (food, clothing, and shelter), After-school Activities, Workforce Readiness, Safety from Domestic Violence

Region(s): United States

Funding Range: none listed

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: TJX Foundation supports organizations that are 501c3 registered for at least 1 year, and serve families and children.

Funder | Truist Foundation

Grant Opportunity: Inspire Awards

Due Date: May 13, 2022

Funding Range: $10,000 - $250,000

Focus: Career Pathways, Economic Mobility, Strengthening Small Businesses

Region(s): United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: The Truist Foundation is committed to Truist Financial Corporation's purpose to inspire and build better lives and communities. Established in 2020, the foundation makes strategic investments in nonprofit organizations to help ensure the communities it serves have more opportunities for a better quality of life. The Truist Foundation's grants and activities focus on building career pathways to economic mobility and strengthening small businesses.

The Truist Foundation and MIT Solve are thrilled to be partners in launching the inaugural Inspire Awards to identify innovative nonprofit-driven solutions that provide support to grow, develop, and sustain racially diverse and/or women-led small businesses in the United States.

Funder | Walmart Giving

Due Date: Feb 1 - Dec 31, 2022

Funding Range: $250 - $5,000

Focus: Healthy Eating, Human Services, Quality of Life, Education, Community and Economic Development, Diversity and Inclusion Public Safety, Environmental Sustainability

Region(s): near Walmart and Sam’s Club facilities

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: Walmart accepts application at their stores for local community grants. There are eight (8) areas of funding:

  • Community and Economic Development: Improving local communities for the benefit of low-income individuals and families in the local service area

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering the building of relationships and understanding among diverse groups in the local service area

  • Education: Providing afterschool enrichment, tutoring or vocational training for low-income individuals and families in the local service area

  • Environmental Sustainability: Preventing waste, increasing recycling, or supporting other programs that work to improve the environment in the local service area

  • Health and Human Service: Providing medical screening, treatment, social services, or shelters for low-income individuals and families in the local service area

  • Hunger Relief and Healthy Eating: Providing Federal or charitable meals/snacks for low-income individuals and families in the local service area

  • Public Safety: Supporting public safety programs through training programs or equipment in the local service area

  • Quality of Life: Improving access to recreation, arts or cultural experiences for low-income individuals and families in the local service area

Funder | William Penn Foundation

Grant Opportunity: Great Learning - High School Completion, Civic Engagement

Due Date: Sep 10, 2022 (Letter of inquiry)

More Due Dates: Oct 22, 2022 (Full proposal), Nov 29, 2022 (Letter of inquiry), Jan 14, 2023 (Full proposal), Mar 4, 2023 (Letter of inquiry), Apr 15, 2023 (Full proposal)

Focus: Education and Learning, Creative Communities, Watershed Protection

Region(s): Philadelphia and surrounding areas

Funding Range: $5,000 and up

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: The William Penn Foundation underwrites efforts that build evidence, expand service, improve quality, encourage collaboration, transform systems, or change policy to yield transformational and sustainable educational improvements for children.

Funder | Youth Service America (Days of Service)

Grant Opportunity: National Days of Service Lead Agency Grants

Due Date(s): May 20, 2023

Funding Range: $3,000 - $6,000

Focus: Volunteerism, Philanthropy Youth Development, Leadership

Region(s): United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: In partnership with AmeriCorps and Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Lead Agency program offers grant funding, capacity-building training, and ongoing support to effectively engage young people in meaningful service and service-learning activities. 

Volunteering for the first time in childhood is an expressway to a lifetime of civic participation. National days of service – such as 9/11 Day of Service, MLK Day of Service, and Global Youth Service Day – are the perfect introductions. By engaging youth as volunteers on national days of service, Lead Agencies fulfil a vital role to increase youth participation in their community. 

Grants up to $6,000 will be awarded based on the number of youth volunteers engaged. Applicants may work locally, regionally, statewide, or in multiple states and must be based in the United States. 

Grant Opportunity: Youth Service Zones Grants

Due Date(s): May 20, 2023

Funding Range: $15,000

Focus: Volunteerism, Philanthropy Youth Development, Leadership

Region(s): United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: Youth Service America believes that youth, communities, and our democracy thrive when we all work together for the common good. Even though youth participation rates (volunteering, voting, and joining) are at or near record-high levels, we’re still leaving 3 of every 4 young people out of actively participating in our democracy. Participation rates are even lower among youth from low-income and minority communities.

Funded by AmeriCorps (Corporation for National and Community Service), YSA’s Youth Service Zone grants offer organizations and schools an opportunity to work collaboratively to increase the youth volunteer rates in their community. Each zone will receive a grant of $15,000 ($5,000 to each of the three collaborative leaders) to support program activities that build partnerships and capacity in order to increase youth volunteer participation.

Funder | Youth Service America (Service Zones)

Grant Opportunity: Youth Service Zones Grants

Due Date(s): May 20, 2023

Funding Range: $15,000

Focus: Volunteerism, Philanthropy Youth Development, Leadership

Region(s): United States

Learn More: Apply Online

Overview: Youth Service America believes that youth, communities, and our democracy thrive when we all work together for the common good. Even though youth participation rates (volunteering, voting, and joining) are at or near record-high levels, we’re still leaving 3 of every 4 young people out of actively participating in our democracy. Participation rates are even lower among youth from low-income and minority communities.

Funded by AmeriCorps (Corporation for National and Community Service), YSA’s Youth Service Zone grants offer organizations and schools an opportunity to work collaboratively to increase the youth volunteer rates in their community. Each zone will receive a grant of $15,000 ($5,000 to each of the three collaborative leaders) to support program activities that build partnerships and capacity in order to increase youth volunteer participation.