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Describing Your Nonprofit

Vision: Big Picture
What the community will look like when the work is done

"Your vision statement expresses the impact you hope to make. When writing your vision statement consider “What is the impact I hope to make in 5 years? In 10 years? It should be a big, and almost unattainable goal."

Mission: Action Statement
What we do, who we do it for, and how we do it

"Your mission statement should focus on the why behind your brand. It states the principles of your company and communicates how you are actively meeting your objectives."

Values: Guiding Beliefs
What principles are important to the organization

"Organizational values are the guiding beliefs and principles that provide an organization with purpose and direction. They help nonprofits manage their interactions with the people they serve and other stakeholders."

Values state what is important to the organization, they inform the culture and dictate behavior.

EXAMPLE: DevoCenter Value Statement

We value and promote innovation, professional excellence and compassionate service. We believe that through professional service-learning women will be both inspired and prepared to serve and uplift fellow citizens, and we’re most excited about encouraging deep reflection on love, leadership and learning in our communities

EXAMPLE: Bayhealth Values List

Bayhealth is the largest not-for-profit healthcare system in central and southern Delaware. Its mission is to bring the nation’s best healthcare to the communities it serves, and this is reflected in their core values:

  • Compassion: We are kind and caring to everyone we encounter.

  • Accountability: Each of us is responsible for our words, our actions, and our results.

  • Respect: We value everyone and treat people with dignity and professionalism.

  • Integrity: We build trust through responsible actions and honest relationships.

  • Teamwork: We achieve more when we collaborate and all work together.

Ten Examples of Company Core Values

  • Integrity. Acting with strong ethics is a priority for everyone representing the organization as well as the company’s behavior as a whole.

  • Honesty. It’s not just the best policy. It’s a core business practice to act in a transparent, trustworthy manner that earns the respect of colleagues, customers, and the public.

  • Fairness. Treating everyone with the common decency we all deserve and expect.

  • Accountability. Accepting responsibility for your actions (and inactions) is the ultimate way to build trust internally and externally.

  • Promise to Customers. Creating a great customer experience begins with staying true to the words we speak and the bonds we make.

  • Diversity and Inclusion. Organizations succeed by bringing different lived experiences and a range of backgrounds into a shared environment where everyone has equal opportunity.

  • Learning. No one has all the answers. A culture of humility and continuous learning is a bedrock principle of successful companies.

  • Teamwork. When people work together, they can create something greater than themselves as individuals.

  • Passion. Having a joy not just for the work itself but also the people around us, so that everyone can be bold, innovative, and creative.

  • Quality. Companies are judged by the craftsmanship of their products and services, so the highest standards must be maintained.