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Preparing for Fundraising

Creating a comprehensive fundraising strategy is essential for nonprofits looking to secure funding. Here's a checklist to help guide you through the process:

  1. Define Organizational Need

    • Determine what you need by evaluating current resources, upcoming projects, and future aspirations.

  2. Identify Your Fundraising Team

    • Decide who will take active roles in fundraising - board members, staff, and/or volunteers.

  3. Discuss Team Roles

    • Outline responsibilities for each team member to streamline the process and improve efficiency.

  4. Gather Required Documents

  5. Decide How You Will Track and Manage Opportunities

    • Implement a system to monitor opportunities, deadlines, and outcomes - CRM, spreadsheet, or list.

  6. Create a Fundraising Calendar

    • Design a timeline of activities, deadlines, and key dates to ensure no opportunities are missed.

  7. Choose a Fundraising Method or Methods

    • Evaluate and select the fundraising techniques that best fit your organization.

    • refer to: Fundraising Methods

  8. Set Fundraising Goals

    • Clearly outline your targets - financial goals, number of applications sent, etc.

  9. Register for Giving Portals and Platforms

  10. Search for and Apply to Opportunities:

By following this checklist, organizations can navigate the fundraising process more efficiently and maximize their potential for securing necessary funds.