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north carolina

For North Carolina Nonprofits

Starting a Nonprofit

North Carolina Center for Nonprofits
How to Start a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization Resource Booklet (PDF)

Harbor Business Compliance
This guide will help you file nonprofit formation documents, get tax id numbers and exemptions, and obtain authority to solicit donations

Do Work That Matters
501c3 help and legal support from attorney Jackie Stanley
Download Your First 100 Days - 21 Things Nonprofit Founders Need to Do

Nonprofit Support

Candid Learning: North Carolina
Explore easy-to-use resources, up to date information and guidance to support confident decision-making for social good

North Carolina Center for Nonprofits
The Center’s mission is to educate, connect, and advocate for North Carolina's nonprofits

Digital Media Law Project
A list of organizations that provide nonprofit legal assistance to organizations in North Carolina

Apparo: Empowering Nonprofits through IT
Transforming Charlotte nonprofits through technology and services that enhance their missions. Apparo works to create a vibrant community of technology enabled nonprofits

Association of Fundraising Professionals: Charlotte Chapter
Provides members a monthly information and networking luncheon, mentoring, job postings and other resources

Build a Better Board: Executive Service Corps of the Triangle
Helping Triangle area nonprofits recruit board members, and providing resources on topics such as board responsibilities and engagement

Share Charlotte
Empowering nonprofits and helping people invest in their communities in ways that matter most to them. Provides networking opportunities and training classes

State Agencies

NC Department of State: Nonprofit Corporations
Nonprofit corporations in NC are created by filing articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State's office. This page answers basic questions about nonprofit corporations and links to a page with nonprofit forms

NC Department of State: Charitable Solicitations
Generally, any organization or person that intends to solicit contributions or hire a representative to do so in NC must first obtain an appropriate license from Charitable Solicitation

North Carolina Department of Revenue
State Taxation and Nonprofit Organizations Contains detailed information on various tax exemptions available to nonprofit organizations in North Carolina

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers an expanding collection of digital resources to help start and operate a business, create maps and reports, find demographic and marketing data and read about business and entrepreneurialism from experts

  • SimplyAnalytics: web-based mapping application that quickly creates professional-quality thematic maps and reports