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Operational Audits for Nonprofits

Operational audits are a valuable tool for nonprofits to maintain good governance, financial integrity, and effectiveness in achieving their mission. They contribute to the long-term sustainability and success of the organization and reinforce trust amongst stakeholders.

The DevoCenter Compliance Checklist is divided into 4 sections:

Governance | Financial | Fundraising | Organizational

Fundraising | Document Checklist

Use this list to get organized before you start soliciting funds


  • IRS Determination Letter (501c3)

  • Signed W9

  • Recent 990

  • Staff Bios/ Resumes

  • List of Board Members and Partners


  • Operational Budget

  • Actual Program Budget

  • Requested Program Budget

  • Income statements

  • Audited financials

  • / access information


  • Mission Statement

  • Organization’s History

  • Draft Letter of Inquiry

  • Logic Model or Program Overview

  • Program or Event Description

  • Impact Statement

  • Case for Support

  • Project Plan with Timeline

  • Sustainability Plan

  • Service Numbers and Demographics

Nonprofit Compliance | Organizing Digital Files

Nonprofit Compliance | Annual Board Checklist
Board members are expected to provide leadership to a nonprofit organization. They are responsible for establishing policy and ensuring compliance, while the executive director (ED) is responsible for implementation and operational oversight. Boards will function differently based on size, history, leadership styles and other factors, however, there are a few things that all boards should do at least annually.

Bylaws and Governance Policies

  • Board members should be aware of and have easy access to corporate documents: bylaws, conflict of interest policy, articles of incorporation, IRS determination letter, meeting minutes.

  • Annually board members should review bylaws and submit certifications to confirm that they understand and agree to abide by the conflict of interest and other governance policies.

Accounting, Filings and Insurance

  • Confirm state filings, charity registrations, employment taxes, insurance, and business licenses (if required) are current.

  • Examine accountants audit and federal 990 or 990N filings; verify tax exempt status.

  • Review financials, approve budget (including Executive Director compensation); evaluate cash flow.

Vision, Mission and Outlook

  • Revisit the vision and mission of the organization, and ensure alignment to current strategy and planned activities.

Brand Presentation

  • Examine website, newsletter, social media channels, proposals, and printed media to assess readiness to share with program participants, donors, partners, funders and friends.

Partnerships and Fundraising

  • Discuss, identify and list current and potential partners and funders. Determine outreach, relationship building and proposal submission strategies.

Organizational Development

  • Participate in Executive Director and board member recruitment.

  • Ensure Executive Director has adequate resources to meet organizational objectives. Review board, staff and volunteer roles and responsibilities to determine if current capacity meets program requirements.

* This checklist is for quick reference and for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace legal advice.


Board Governance and Documents

What Information Does Your Board Need Access To?

repost from Boardable | The Nonprofit Board Governance Guide

Agenda and Minutes: These items help your members always have up-to-date details on meetings and recent history. Check your state laws to see if there are requirements for how long you keep these records and whether they need to be publicly accessible.

Bylaws: These ensure your meetings run smoothly and that members know your expectations. They also spell out procedures for common issues from voting procedure to board member attendance.

Strategic Plans: Whether they are long-term or short-term, board members need to document strategic plans to be able to provide you with the best insight and assistance for moving forward.

Your History and Mission: Members should always know who your nonprofit serves, and why you do what you do. It’s a good idea to review your history and mission at board retreats and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Board Expectation Agreement: This essential document outlines exactly what you expect from board members in detail, avoiding miscommunication or unwanted results. It should include topics such as attendance, personal donations, fundraising support, ambassadorship efforts, and anything else your organization expects board members to do.

Board Member Job Description: Specific details of what board membership looks like and how directors serve your board helps prospective members decide if board service is for them.

Committee Charges: Details about what a committee does, who is responsible for it, and how decisions are made set this reporting structure up for success.

Legal Documents: From your articles of incorporation to your legal status and other essentials, have important legal documents available for board members to easily access.

Financials: Budget, financial statements, and your last annual audit results are among the important documents that boards need to make decisions. Again, check with local laws about requirements for what needs to be made public and how long documents need to be retained.

Contact Details: Maintain this information for the current board, any active emeritus members, and key executive employees. Identify who emergency contacts are in various situations and consider making contact info shareable (as desired) among board members.

Calendar: A clear, easy-to-understand calendar of your upcoming events, activities, and important dates for your nonprofit—updated every meeting—ensures better attendance.

Board and Executive Director Roles



Board of Directors

  • Approve mission, vision, values, strategic plan

  • Review and approve annual implementation plan to ensure consistency with strategic plan

  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity

  • Maintain accountability, including complying with reporting and accounting requirements

  • Be aware of key risks and mitigation strategies

Executive Director

  • Work with board to develop mission, vision, values, strategic plan

  • Develop annual implementation plan and advise board when milestones in implementation are reached


Board of Directors

  • Approve annual budget

  • Approve internal control policies

  • Hire financial auditor

  • Review financial indicators and ensure adjustments are made

  • Approve investment policies and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements

  • Support fundraising activities

Executive Director

  • Develop annual budget, establish income and expense parameters, determine specific expenditures within approved budget lines

  • Work with board to develop financial policies and internal controls

  • Respond to auditor findings

  • Report to board on cash flow, budget to actual, and other key financial measures

  • Comply with board-approved financial policies and reporting requirements

  • Work with board to develop and execute fundraising strategy


Board of Directors

  • Ensure that programs are achieving objectives

Executive Director

  • Develop and implement programs

  • Provide evidence of program effectiveness


Board of Directors

  • Hire and evaluate the executive director

  • Approve personnel policies and review salary information

  • Draft grievance and whistleblower policies

Executive Director

Hire and supervise all other staff

Set compensation and benefits for individual employees within organizational policies



Project Management Overview

A good project management process is necessary if you want to support your team in reaching short and long term goals, and design and deliver excellent programs.

A good process will help keep the team organized and help them to work more efficiently.

A project is defined as an event or an endeavor with a specific beginning and end date. A successful project must be on-time, on budget, and result in deliverables (product, service, or result) as defined by a detailed scope of work.

Examples include: creating a new program, organizing an event, executing a fundraising campaign, or introducing a new membership management system.

A project manager should be assigned to make sure that the process is followed, that the team stays on track, that tasks are completed on time, and that the project stays within budget. There are lots project management tools available, but fundamentally you’ll want to begin with a Project Charter and decide on a simple way to list and track project data.

Use this Project Charter Template to define project objectives, scope, and required resources.

Then choose an application that will allow you to:

  • See all tasks, deliverables and deadlines with start and end dates

  • Track team member’s tasks and time spent, and project costs

  • Share this information with the entire team

As you are designing and executing your plan, be sure to:

  • Set SMART goals to develop a realistic project plan. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

  • Track Data from the very beginning and throughout the projects life span. You want to be able to evaluate and report on progress, performance, deliverables, time and costs.

  • Communicate expectation, progress, and risks and be available to support when necessary.

Project Management Phases

  • INITIATE: Project Charter
    summarize justification, deliverables, benefits, risks, budget, milestones and project team

  • PLAN: Project Scope
    detail scope, budget, schedule, communication plan, and risk management strategy

  • EXECUTE: Project Launch
    undertake tasks, establish tracking protocols and performance indicators, forecast outcomes

  • CONTROL: Project Monitoring
    revisit objectives, measure progress, performance, deliverables, time and costs

  • CLOSE: Project Reporting
    document the process, results, lessons learned, and report all quantifiable data

Project Charter Template

ABC Organization Project Charter

Project Name: “A Wonderful Winter” Fundraiser

Project Description: A one night event celebrating successes over the past year.

Justification: This project supports our goals of:

  • Increasing donations by 25% over last year

  • Encouraging stakeholders and inspiring donors through storytelling


  • Fundraiser invite printed mailer

  • Landing page for ticket sales

  • Venue, decorations and meals

  • Event handouts, presentation media, entertainment and speaker lineup


  • Raise awareness about a cause

  • Strengthen donor relationships

  • Recognize outstanding teamwork

  • Reflect and celebrate!


  • We have to monitor the budget and projected income as to not spend more than we take in.

  • The team lacks experience producing events

Budget: Not to exceed $5,000


  • Convene a planning team and assign tasks by August 1, 2023

  • Reserve a venue by September 1, 2023

  • Publish landing page and mail invites by September 15, 2023

  • Second round and follow up invites by October 15, 2023

  • Prepare event handouts, presentation media, entertainment and speaker lineup by November 15, 2023

  • Second round and follow up invites by December 1, 2023

  • Confirm decorations and meals by December 7, 2023

  • Event date: December TBD, 2023

Team Members:

  • Project Manager

  • Event Coordinator

  • Graphic Designer

  • Marketing Coordinator

Job Description | Nonprofit Administrative Manager

This Administrative Manager position offers insight into all aspects of managing and growing a nonprofit business. This list is meant to provide some guidance as we navigate what’s needed together. It may change over time.


  • Track and manage executive tasks and to-dos

  • Meet with director weekly to review projects and calendar

  • Liaison with board members, clients, customers, participants, and partners

  • Communicate and maintain relationships with press and media contacts

Data Management

  • Research and update grant opportunities database

  • Maintain administrative contact and reference lists

  • Manage and track organizational data and key metrics

  • Assist with organizing electronic files and digital library


  • Contribute to and manage web pages, blog posts and SEO

  • Assist with copywriting and delivery of e-newsletters

  • Manage social media calendar, schedule posts and engage with online connections

  • Research and report developments with e-marketing and e-commerce

Program Overview Template

A nonprofit program is a set of activities and resources to provide a service. It is a system with inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes and feedback.

  • Inputs: resources needed to run a program

  • Processes: how services are delivered

  • Outputs: what is produced, delivered or supplied with numerical value

  • Outcomes: the impact or result of service delivery

  • Feedback: performance data and reporting to evaluate the program


  • Target Population: define the age range, race, gender, location and socio-economic status of those you serve.

  • Participants: what else can you say about program participants characteristics, needs and interests?

  • Reach: what the maximum number of students your program will serve?

  • Duration: how long is your program in hours, days or months?

  • Frequency: how often will you meet with participants?

  • Program Content: what documents and materials are required to run the program?

  • Program Deliverables: what will participants deliver, produce or create during the program?

  • Program Impact: how will you define success and measure program outcomes?

  • Program Partners: what external organizations or individuals will assist with the program?

  • Human Resource Requirement: what internal role(s) will support this program?

  • Financial Resources Requirement: what is the total annual cost of the program?

  • Cost Per Participant: what is the total cost of the program divided by the number of participants?

Student Interns for Your Nonprofit

Colleges and universities are a great resource for nonprofit organizations seeking a little extra support. Most post-secondary institutions have intern programs designed to provide students with work experience. Students usually receive credit for the work time, and a stipend is optional.

Contact the placement office at local colleges or universities to find out about the position description positing and other requirements.

Be prepared to provide:

  • organizational summary

  • length and time commitment

  • stipend (if applicable)

  • position description

  • required qualifications

  • contact information



ABC Education Organization works with schools to educate for a healthy tomorrow. We accomplish this through curriculum support and professional development for teachers. ABC Ed is seeking part-time interns to join our organization with our work in 4 main areas of support, including: program, fundraising, research and storytelling.  Interns are asked to commit to at least 3 months of work with us and contribute 5-15 hours a week on a weekly basis. Positions may be remote or hybrid - to be discussed.

  • Program Support:  Interns assisting with program support will help us with planning and preparing for our programs.  This includes helping with coordination, recruitment, on-going correspondence, via email and phone, and logistical planning.  Interns will assist in writing and editing program documents and conducting some follow-up and evaluative research. Program Interns will work closely with our Program Manager and the Director of Education and Research to put together resources, as needed for on-going programs.

  • Fundraising Support:  Interns assisting with fundraising will help up to update our database with regards to potential organizations for partnership.  Interns will work closely with our Director of Development to conduct on-line research and determine alignment of mission and program areas as needed.  Another important task is making sure that the funder database is up to date.  This internship may include helping to support events and fundraisers.

  • Research Support:  ABC Ed has on-going research opportunities for interested interns.  One primary area of research includes the ongoing documentation and assessment of participant data.  Research Interns will work with the Director of Education and Research to help develop and analyze tools that will help us to better analyze and document our programs. 

  • Storytelling Support: Another growing area of research for us includes conducting semi-structured interviews (approximately 1 hour each) with clients, and program attendees, and school and community leaders to better understand the value of our work and document program impact. Interns will also transcribe and edit interviews and help to compile stories for our journal.

If you are interested in interning with the ABC Ed please send your resume and a cover letter referencing which areas of interest and your availability for each project: Please send inquiries to Leah Mason, Program Director leah@

Nonprofit Vocabulary

501(c)(3): refers to public charities and private foundations as defined by the IRS

501(c)(4): refers to social welfare and advocacy organizations as defined by the IRS

501(c)(6): refers to trade associations and business leagues as defined by the IRS

501(h) Election: an option for public charities (except churches) to measure their permissible lobbying activity using an expenditure test

Other types of nonprofits at


Accountability: the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for policies and decisions, including the obligation to be answerable for resulting consequences

Ad Hoc Committee: a temporary committee established to address a specific issue, not necessarily within a specific time frame

Advisory Council: a group created to advise and support an organization or its leadership also called advisory group, advisory committee, or advisory board; usually focuses on a specific issue, area of concern, or constituency

Advocacy: any behavior or action that speaks in support of, recommends, argues for, or otherwise defends or pleads for a cause, mission, or organization that benefits others

Affiliate: a chapter, an auxiliary group, or a branch of a parent organization

All Volunteer Organization (AVO): a nonprofit organization that is managed and governed by volunteers

Articles of Incorporation: an official statement of creation of an organization; it is filed with the appropriate state agency

Articles of Organization: a charter for an unincorporated organization

Association: a membership organization that may be incorporated or unincorporated

Audit: a formal review of financial and/or activities and legal transactions


Board Development: a process of building effective boards; from recruiting and orienting to engaging and educating board members, also includes rotations of board members to ensure a good fit with the organization’s governance needs Board member agreement a verbal or written statement of commitment to fulfill responsibilities as outlined in the board member job description

Board Member Matrix: a tool helping identify desired characteristics and gaps on a board

Board of Directors: governing body of a nonprofit or for-profit corporation; has specific legal and ethical responsibilities to and for the organization

Bylaws: the legal operating guidelines for a board

Bylaws Amendment: a formal change to the original bylaws of an organization; the bylaws themselves should outline amendment procedures


CEO: the chief executive officer; top staff position of a nonprofit organization or a for-profit company

Chair: in a nonprofit organization, the chief volunteer position, the elected leader of the board

Chapter: a member or affiliated organization of a federated organization

Charitable Contribution: a tax-deductible donation given to a nonprofit organization

Charity: a nonprofit organization providing a public service as defined by the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3)

Charter: the legal organizational document for a nonprofit; also known as the articles of incorporation or articles of organization; may also refer to a formal description of responsibilities assigned to a committee, a chapter, or an affiliate

Chief Executive: the top staff position of an organization, also called CEO or, in many nonprofits, executive director

Code of Conduct: the formal or informal ethical standards expected of every member of a group, whether board, staff, or member of a profession

Community Foundation: a foundation whose mission is to support a specific community

Confidentiality Clause: a policy defining unauthorized and improper disclosures of confidential information

Conflict of Interest: a situation in which the personal or professional concerns of a member of the board or staff may affect his or her ability to put the welfare of the organization before benefit to self or another party

Consent Agenda: a component of the meeting agenda that groups routine items and resolutions as one agenda item; does not require board discussion prior to the vote; requests for an item to be moved from the consent agenda to the regular agenda are automatically granted

Constitution: usually refers to the basic documents governing an organization’s purpose, structure, and governance

Consultant: an expert providing professional advice or services

Corporate Sponsorship: a relationship between a nonprofit and a company where the nonprofit receives monetary support, goods, or services in exchange for public recognition of the company

Corporation: a legal entity that exists in perpetuity until it is dissolved; a “fictitious person,” separate from its managers or governors, usually given the same rights and obligations as natural persons


D&O (Directors and Officers) Insurance: insurance that protects board members and top staff personnel from personal liability created by board decisions or actions

Determination Letter: an official notification by the IRS stating that a nonprofit is recognized as a tax-exempt organization

Development: a term used to describe all methods of obtaining funding or support for an organization

Disclosure: form a form on which board members annually detail personal and professional connections that could create a potential conflict of interest

Disclosure Requirement: regulations requiring nonprofits to share financial or other information with the public, defining IRS form 990 as a public document

Disqualified Person: includes organization managers and any other person (such as a board member) who, within the past five years, was in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the organization, also family members of the above

Dissolution of Nonprofits: the formal procedure by which a nonprofit ceases to operate or exist; involves filing with the state and distribution of assets

Diversity: diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race, ethnicity, and gender — the groups that most often come to mind when the term “diversity” is used — but also age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, and physical appearance. It also involves different ideas, perspectives, and values

Due Diligence: an expectation that a board member exercises reasonable care and follows the business judgment rule when making decisions

Duty of Care: requirement that board members be reasonably informed about the organization’s activities, participate in decisions, and do so in good faith and with the care of an ordinarily prudent person in similar circumstances

Duty of Loyalty: a requirement that a board member remain faithful and loyal to the organization and avoid conflicts of interest

Duty of Obedience: a requirement that a board member remain obedient to the central purposes of the organization and respect all laws and legal regulations


Emeritus status: an honorific title usually given to a former board member who is invited to stay on board as a nonvoting member in an advisory capacity

Endowment: a fund or collection of assets whose investment earnings support an organization, a specific project or purpose; may be legally restricted based on stipulations made by donor(s)

Ex Officio: “by reason of their office”; a person serving on a board due to his or her position rather than through elections, may or may not include voting rights

Excess Benefit Transaction: a transaction in which an economic benefit is provided by a nonprofit, directly or indirectly, to a disqualified person, and the value of the economic benefit provided by the organization exceeds the value of the consideration (including the performance of services) received by the organization

Excise Tax: a tax issued by the IRS on nonprofits that violate specific regulations

Executive Committee: a committee that has specific powers, outlined in the bylaws, which allow it to act on the board’s behalf when a full board meeting is not possible or necessary

Executive Session: a meeting of a board in which only board members and individuals specifically invited by the board are present; governed by rules of confidentiality


Federated Organization: an organizational structure composed of an umbrella organization (national or regional) with smaller local chapters

Fiduciary Duty: a responsibility of board members and the nonprofit board as a whole to serve as trustee of the organization’s assets on behalf of the greater community; responsibility for financial viability and proper handling of financial matters

Form 990: an annual information form submitted to the IRS, a public document listing information concerning an organization’s finances and programs, as well as names of board and highest paid staff leaders

Form 990-PF: an information form for private foundations to be filed with the IRS

Form 990-T: a financial form for organizations who must pay unrelated business income tax

Form 1023: an application form for nonprofits that want to be recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization

Form 1024: an application form for nonprofits that seek tax-exempt recognition as any other type of 501(c) than a 501(c)(3) organization

Foundation: a tax-exempt nonprofit organization operating under more stringent IRS regulations than other 501(c)(3) organizations; may be designed to collect and distribute funds for nonprofit purposes or may operate its own programs

Fundraising: a wide variety of activities that help generate donations for an organization


Governance: the legal authority of a board to establish policies that will affect the life and work of the organization and accountability for the outcome of such decisions

Governance Committee: a committee responsible for recruiting, orienting, and training of board members; may also be responsible for periodic bylaws reviews

Grant Funding: provided to an organization through a foundation or government source for a specific purpose


Inclusion: authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power2

Incorporation: a legal process through which a group is created and recognized by the state as an entity separate from the individuals who manage or govern it; limits individual responsibility for actions of the group

Indemnification: a guarantee by an organization to pay board members’ legal costs for claims that result from board service

Intermediate Sanctions: IRS regulations creating penalties for nonprofit board members and staff who receive or authorize an excessive benefit transaction


Lobbying: attempting to influence legislation through direct contact with lawmakers or with constituents


Membership organization: a nonprofit that grants its members specific rights to participate in its internal affairs and/or to receive certain benefits in return for payment of membership dues

Merger: combining two or more organizations into one

Micromanagement: this usually refers to a manager who is paying too much attention to details and is not focusing on the big picture; also refers to boards that stray into management and fail to respect the authority delegated to the chief executive

Mission: the fundamental purpose and reason for which an organization exists

Mission Statement: a brief description of the organization’s approach to filling the need it was created to address


Nonprofit Organization: a nongovernmental organization established for purposes other than profit making

Nonprofit Sector: includes organizations that are independent from government and not part of the for-profit business sector

Not-for-Profit Organization: a term emphasizing that while the organization’s purpose is not private profit making, its programs may make a profit for the organization in order to safeguard its future ability to serve its public benefit mission


Officer: a leadership position with a specific set of responsibilities; on a board typically refers to the chair, vice-chair, secretary, or treasurer

Open Meeting Laws: also called “Sunshine Laws”; state regulations that require government agencies and some nonprofit organizations receiving public funding to open at least some of their board meetings to the public

Operational Reserves: a reasonable buffer against unforeseen, seasonal, irregular, or exceptional cash shortages

Orientation: educating participants on their roles, responsibilities, their organization, and how the board works


Policy: a written and binding guideline for action; creates limits on the range of acceptable options

President: a term used to describe either the chief volunteer officer or the chief staff officer of an organization

Private Inurement: benefits received by an insider with sizable influence over a nonprofit organization’s decisions when benefit is of greater value than service provided

Public Support Test: an IRS regulation used to determine whether a nonprofit organization is a private foundation or public charity; involves determining the source of the majority of funding for the organization


Racial Equity: racial equity is the condition that would be achieved if one’s racial identity no longer predicted, in a statistical sense, how one fares. When we use the term, we are thinking about racial equity as one part of racial justice, and thus we also include work to address root causes of inequities not just their manifestation. This includes elimination of policies, practices, attitudes and cultural messages that reinforce differential outcomes by race or fail to eliminate them

Retreat: an event where the board or staff meet to learn about or explore specific issues; examples include strategic planning, orientation, or self-assessment; is usually longer than a regular meeting, often off-site and informal in nature

Robert’s Rules of Order: a parliamentary procedure used to conduct meetings


Secretary: an officer position that involves taking minutes and keeping records and archives of the board; duties are often delegated to staff

Self-Assessment: a process by which boards and/or board members evaluate their own performance

Staggered Terms: an organizational structure where board members’ terms expire in alternating years

Sunshine Laws: also called open meeting laws; state regulations that require government agencies and some nonprofit organizations that receive public funding to open at least some of their board meetings to the public


Tax-deductible Donation: a donation in which the donor can deduct the amount of the donation from his or her taxable income

Term Limits: a restriction on the number of consecutive terms that a person can serve as a board member

Service-Learning Vocabulary

Service: the action of helping or doing work for someone.

Learning: the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or presentation.

Service-Learning is form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as leaders seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves. Vanderbilt University

Professional Service-Learning is an approach to adult-education that links service-leadership and project management to deep inquiry and reflection. It's a process for nonprofit and community leaders who want to learn, participate and lead to improve conditions in their neighborhoods. DevoCenter Inc.


Action: the process of doing something to achieve a goal.

Action Plan: a detailed strategy outlining activities needed to reach one or more goals.

Advocate: a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause.

Advocacy: the process of creating awareness of or promoting action on an issue of public service.

Assessment: an ongoing process to evaluate performance and measure program, project or organizational progress to goal, in order to adjust and set future targets.


Brand Narrative: a concise, streamlined story that acts as the platform for an organization's marketing and communications. Brandeis University


Collaboration: the ability to work with others towards a common goal.

Community: a group of people connected by geography, culture, situation, and/or need.

Community Partnership: an association of two or more people or entities who agree to work together for mutual benefit.

Community Resources: people, funds, and goods available to participants in order to carry out their plan of action.

Community Service: a voluntary act that benefits others.

Community Service Leader: someone who organizes and guides others, facilitates problem-solving and decision-making, and takes action to benefit their neighborhood.


Documentation: Evidence of performance or learning.


Education for Sustainability: a transformative learning process that promotes an understanding of the relationship between economic prosperity, responsible citizenship and the health of living systems. EfS links this knowledge with inquiry and action to help leaders build a healthy future for their communities and the planet. The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

Evaluation: a periodic look at a program inputs and outputs to see how successfully it is achieving its goals.


Feedback: a response to a particular portion of the project.


Impact: a strong effect on someone or something.

Inquiry: an act of asking for information, requiring leaders to engage in active learning by generating questions, seeking answers, and exploring complex ideas.


Leadership: the action of guiding a group of people or an organization.

Learning by Teaching: helps leaders comprehend and deepen new knowledge by preparing a presentation for stakeholders.


Meaningful Service: time spent impacting the community in a positive way, with an understanding of purpose and personally relevant activities.

Mindfulness: maintaining an awareness of our intentions, thoughts, and feelings from a position of curiosity and kindness.


Outcomes: changes that occur as a result of actions.


Project: an undertaking, carried out individually or collaboratively and possibly involving research or design, that is planned to achieve an outcome.

Project Management: the process of leading the work of a team to achieve all goals with available resources.


Reflection: a thoughtful, serious looking back at one's experiences, individually or as a group, as part of future planning.


Self-Reflection: contemplation about one’s personal values, mindsets, behaviors, and desires.

Servant Leadership: is a leadership philosophy, embedded in a set of behaviors and practices that place a primary emphasis on the well-being of those being served. Center for Servant Leadership

Socratic Method: a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

Stakeholder: an individual or entity who is invested in or impacted by the outcome of a program or project.

Storytelling: the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener’s imagination. National Storytelling Network

For North Carolina Nonprofits

Starting a Nonprofit

North Carolina Center for Nonprofits
How to Start a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization Resource Booklet (PDF)

Harbor Business Compliance
This guide will help you file nonprofit formation documents, get tax id numbers and exemptions, and obtain authority to solicit donations

Do Work That Matters
501c3 help and legal support from attorney Jackie Stanley
Download Your First 100 Days - 21 Things Nonprofit Founders Need to Do

Nonprofit Support

Candid Learning: North Carolina
Explore easy-to-use resources, up to date information and guidance to support confident decision-making for social good

North Carolina Center for Nonprofits
The Center’s mission is to educate, connect, and advocate for North Carolina's nonprofits

Digital Media Law Project
A list of organizations that provide nonprofit legal assistance to organizations in North Carolina

Apparo: Empowering Nonprofits through IT
Transforming Charlotte nonprofits through technology and services that enhance their missions. Apparo works to create a vibrant community of technology enabled nonprofits

Association of Fundraising Professionals: Charlotte Chapter
Provides members a monthly information and networking luncheon, mentoring, job postings and other resources

Build a Better Board: Executive Service Corps of the Triangle
Helping Triangle area nonprofits recruit board members, and providing resources on topics such as board responsibilities and engagement

Share Charlotte
Empowering nonprofits and helping people invest in their communities in ways that matter most to them. Provides networking opportunities and training classes

State Agencies

NC Department of State: Nonprofit Corporations
Nonprofit corporations in NC are created by filing articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State's office. This page answers basic questions about nonprofit corporations and links to a page with nonprofit forms

NC Department of State: Charitable Solicitations
Generally, any organization or person that intends to solicit contributions or hire a representative to do so in NC must first obtain an appropriate license from Charitable Solicitation

North Carolina Department of Revenue
State Taxation and Nonprofit Organizations Contains detailed information on various tax exemptions available to nonprofit organizations in North Carolina

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers an expanding collection of digital resources to help start and operate a business, create maps and reports, find demographic and marketing data and read about business and entrepreneurialism from experts

  • SimplyAnalytics: web-based mapping application that quickly creates professional-quality thematic maps and reports

Recommended Nonprofit Technology

Nonprofit founders, entrepreneurs and managers wear many hats. In addition to running programs, leaders have to be familiar with technology that supports productivity, communication, recruiting, financial management, marketing, grant opportunities and fundraising.

Here are the resources that we use to get things done with ease.


Access donations and discounts on software, hardware, and tech services

Microsoft Office 365
Your place to create, communicate, collaborate, and get great work done

Google for Nonprofits
Be more collaborative, productive, and efficient with Google Workspace


Free accounting software for nonprofits

QuickBooks Online
Nonprofit accounting software solution

Gusto Payroll
Hire, pay, insure, and support your employees with Gusto's all-in-one people platform

CRM’s and Donor Management
Scale funding and increase operational effectiveness with Salesforce. Free or discounted for nonprofits.

Staff, Volunteer and Board Recruiting

Connects people who want to do good with opportunities for action and collaboration.

Volunteer Match
Matches inspired volunteers and nonprofits to achieve remarkable outcomes.

Foundation List
A national job board for nonprofits. Connecting people to help create greater impact.

Create The Good
Connects nonprofits with volunteers ready to share their life experiences, skills and passions.

Design and Marketing

Create social media graphics, videos, logos, marketing materials and more

Easy email marketing for nonprofit organizations

Everything you need to get creative projects done

Ready-to-use website widgets to help increase sales, engage visitors, collect leads and more.

Adobe Creative Cloud
software used for graphic design, video editing, photography and more

Establish a presences and take donations with this website

Grant Databases

Foundation Directory by Candid
Grants database and grantmaker search tools

Grants database, tools and info to secure nonprofit funding

Grants database for nonprofits and municipalities updated daily

Grant discovery, research, and tracking in one place


Guidestar by Candid
Connecting donors and funders to nonprofit organizations
Subscribe for funding opportunities and apply for federal grants

Dun and Bradstreet
Register your business to establish credibility with funders and partners

Giving Portals

Network for Good
Online giving and donor management software for nonprofits

Cybergrants FrontDoor
Claim your organization to access the hundreds of corporate giving portals

YourCause GrantsConnect
Manage grantmaking from online grant applications through payments

Benevity Causes Portal
Helping nonprofits access and become eligible for corporate giving

Free and Discounted Tools For Nonprofits

As a 501c3 your nonprofit organization is eligible for many free and discounted products and services to support business operations. Here are a few marketing and productivity tools that we use.

TechSoup supports nonprofits, charities, and libraries by providing access to donations and discounts on software, hardware, and services from major brands.

Google for Nonprofits provides access to Google products at no charge. Get the basic G Suite features and $10,000 per month for Search Ads. Reach more donors online. Be more collaborative.

Microsoft for Nonprofits helps your organization make a greater impact. Discover how Microsoft 365 can empower and achieve greater scalability for your nonprofit. Grow your nonprofit, get support, learn digital skills and increase productivity.

Canva for Nonprofits provides an easy way to create high-impact social media graphics and marketing materials. Register now to get Canva’s premium features for free.

iContact for Nonprofits knows which features matter most for driving donations and organizing volunteers. All qualifying 501c3’s receive a 20% discount and North Carolina nonprofits are eligible for a free account.

Adobe provides nonprofits with discounted subscriptions to Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and more. Get a subscription through TechSoup.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of verbs to help us describe observable knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and abilities.

It’s a useful list of action verbs to help write learning objectives and program outcomes for proposals and reports.

Google Doc

PDF Download

REVISED Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs

Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers.
Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.
Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.
Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.
Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
• Choose
• Define
• Find
• How
• Label
• List
• Match
• Name
• Omit
• Recall
• Relate
• Select
• Show
• Spell
• Tell
• What
• When
• Where
• Which
• Who
• Why
• Classify
• Compare
• Contrast
• Demonstrate
• Explain
• Extend
• Illustrate
• Infer
• Interpret
• Outline
• Relate
• Rephrase
• Show
• Summarize
• Translate
• Apply
• Build
• Choose
• Construct
• Develop
• Experiment with
• Identify
• Interview
• Make use of
• Model
• Organize
• Plan
• Select
• Solve
• Utilize
• Analyze
• Assume
• Categorize
• Classify
• Compare
• Conclusion
• Contrast
• Discover
• Dissect
• Distinguish
• Divide
• Examine
• Function
• Inference
• Inspect
• List
• Motive
• Relationships
• Simplify
• Survey
• Take part in
• Test for
• Theme
• Agree
• Appraise
• Assess
• Award
• Choose
• Compare
• Conclude
• Criteria
• Criticize
• Decide
• Deduct
• Defend
• Determine
• Disprove
• Estimate
• Evaluate
• Explain
• Importance
• Influence
• Interpret
• Judge
• Justify
• Mark
• Measure
• Opinion
• Perceive
• Prioritize
• Prove
• Rate
• Recommend
• Rule on
• Select
• Support
• Value
• Adapt
• Build
• Change
• Choose
• Combine
• Compile
• Compose
• Construct
• Create
• Delete
• Design
• Develop
• Discuss
• Elaborate
• Estimate
• Formulate
• Happen
• Imagine
• Improve
• Invent
• Make up
• Maximize
• Minimize
• Modify
• Original
• Originate
• Plan
• Predict
• Propose
• Solution
• Solve
• Suppose
• Test
• Theory
Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing, Abridged Edition. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Recruiting Board and Staff

Nonprofit Compliance | Organizing Files Online

Here’s a list of documents that should be readily available to board members and prepared before you begin fundraising. Create a shared folder with the following:


  • Original Incorporation Documents

  • Updates/Amendments to the Incorporation (Name or Changes)

  • Bylaws (signed by Board Members and dated)

  • Conflict of Interest Statement (signed by Board Members and dated)

  • 501c3 Application and or Documentation

  • IRS Determination Letter

  • Solicitation License (if applicable)

  • Proof of Lease Agreement/Ownership of Property (if applicable)

  • Insurance Certificate

  • Certificate of Good Standing

  • Board Meeting Minutes


  • Financial Reports

  • Operating Budget

  • Program Budgets

  • All Previous Award Letters


  • Staff Resumes

  • Calendar of Events

  • Scope of Services

  • Annual Reports

  • Performance Reports

  • At least 3 Support Letters (Organization and Program)

  • Newsletter and/or Press Releases

Professional Service-Learning

Professional Service-Learning
Professional Service-Learning is an approach to education that links service-leadership and project management to deep inquiry and reflection.

It's a process for nonprofit and community leaders who want to learn, participate and lead to improve conditions in their neighborhoods.

The DevoCenter Professional Service-Learning Process helps leaders make personal connections to service, execute meaningful projects that measure results, and multiply their impact by sharing what they learn with youth and community partners.

Benefits for Nonprofit and Community Leaders

  • Leaders who participate in professional service-learning get to explore and articulate their values and habits... and they set goals that are aligned to the things that they care about.

  • They become passionate and informed advocates for their causes and they're able to describe a world made better because of their efforts.

  • Learners understand service as a leadership model and develop key management skills.

  • They also broaden their perspectives about what’s possible.

  • With service-learning, leaders develop action plans and execute projects that are designed to measure success.

  • Leaders partner with others to meet needs in their neighborhoods ...and to celebrate!

  • Service leaders encourage civic engagement and participation in others by sharing what they learn.

At DevoCenter we're bringing women together to learn, participate and lead.

If this is exciting to you we hope you'll join us.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of the conflict-of-interest policy is to protect a nonprofit’s interest when entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer, director, the Organization or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. The policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Conflict of Interest Policy Template