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job description

Board and Executive Director Roles



Board of Directors

  • Approve mission, vision, values, strategic plan

  • Review and approve annual implementation plan to ensure consistency with strategic plan

  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity

  • Maintain accountability, including complying with reporting and accounting requirements

  • Be aware of key risks and mitigation strategies

Executive Director

  • Work with board to develop mission, vision, values, strategic plan

  • Develop annual implementation plan and advise board when milestones in implementation are reached


Board of Directors

  • Approve annual budget

  • Approve internal control policies

  • Hire financial auditor

  • Review financial indicators and ensure adjustments are made

  • Approve investment policies and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements

  • Support fundraising activities

Executive Director

  • Develop annual budget, establish income and expense parameters, determine specific expenditures within approved budget lines

  • Work with board to develop financial policies and internal controls

  • Respond to auditor findings

  • Report to board on cash flow, budget to actual, and other key financial measures

  • Comply with board-approved financial policies and reporting requirements

  • Work with board to develop and execute fundraising strategy


Board of Directors

  • Ensure that programs are achieving objectives

Executive Director

  • Develop and implement programs

  • Provide evidence of program effectiveness


Board of Directors

  • Hire and evaluate the executive director

  • Approve personnel policies and review salary information

  • Draft grievance and whistleblower policies

Executive Director

Hire and supervise all other staff

Set compensation and benefits for individual employees within organizational policies



Job Description | Nonprofit Administrative Manager

This Administrative Manager position offers insight into all aspects of managing and growing a nonprofit business. This list is meant to provide some guidance as we navigate what’s needed together. It may change over time.


  • Track and manage executive tasks and to-dos

  • Meet with director weekly to review projects and calendar

  • Liaison with board members, clients, customers, participants, and partners

  • Communicate and maintain relationships with press and media contacts

Data Management

  • Research and update grant opportunities database

  • Maintain administrative contact and reference lists

  • Manage and track organizational data and key metrics

  • Assist with organizing electronic files and digital library


  • Contribute to and manage web pages, blog posts and SEO

  • Assist with copywriting and delivery of e-newsletters

  • Manage social media calendar, schedule posts and engage with online connections

  • Research and report developments with e-marketing and e-commerce

Student Interns for Your Nonprofit

Colleges and universities are a great resource for nonprofit organizations seeking a little extra support. Most post-secondary institutions have intern programs designed to provide students with work experience. Students usually receive credit for the work time, and a stipend is optional.

Contact the placement office at local colleges or universities to find out about the position description positing and other requirements.

Be prepared to provide:

  • organizational summary

  • length and time commitment

  • stipend (if applicable)

  • position description

  • required qualifications

  • contact information



ABC Education Organization works with schools to educate for a healthy tomorrow. We accomplish this through curriculum support and professional development for teachers. ABC Ed is seeking part-time interns to join our organization with our work in 4 main areas of support, including: program, fundraising, research and storytelling.  Interns are asked to commit to at least 3 months of work with us and contribute 5-15 hours a week on a weekly basis. Positions may be remote or hybrid - to be discussed.

  • Program Support:  Interns assisting with program support will help us with planning and preparing for our programs.  This includes helping with coordination, recruitment, on-going correspondence, via email and phone, and logistical planning.  Interns will assist in writing and editing program documents and conducting some follow-up and evaluative research. Program Interns will work closely with our Program Manager and the Director of Education and Research to put together resources, as needed for on-going programs.

  • Fundraising Support:  Interns assisting with fundraising will help up to update our database with regards to potential organizations for partnership.  Interns will work closely with our Director of Development to conduct on-line research and determine alignment of mission and program areas as needed.  Another important task is making sure that the funder database is up to date.  This internship may include helping to support events and fundraisers.

  • Research Support:  ABC Ed has on-going research opportunities for interested interns.  One primary area of research includes the ongoing documentation and assessment of participant data.  Research Interns will work with the Director of Education and Research to help develop and analyze tools that will help us to better analyze and document our programs. 

  • Storytelling Support: Another growing area of research for us includes conducting semi-structured interviews (approximately 1 hour each) with clients, and program attendees, and school and community leaders to better understand the value of our work and document program impact. Interns will also transcribe and edit interviews and help to compile stories for our journal.

If you are interested in interning with the ABC Ed please send your resume and a cover letter referencing which areas of interest and your availability for each project: Please send inquiries to Leah Mason, Program Director leah@