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Board and Executive Director Roles



Board of Directors

  • Approve mission, vision, values, strategic plan

  • Review and approve annual implementation plan to ensure consistency with strategic plan

  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity

  • Maintain accountability, including complying with reporting and accounting requirements

  • Be aware of key risks and mitigation strategies

Executive Director

  • Work with board to develop mission, vision, values, strategic plan

  • Develop annual implementation plan and advise board when milestones in implementation are reached


Board of Directors

  • Approve annual budget

  • Approve internal control policies

  • Hire financial auditor

  • Review financial indicators and ensure adjustments are made

  • Approve investment policies and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements

  • Support fundraising activities

Executive Director

  • Develop annual budget, establish income and expense parameters, determine specific expenditures within approved budget lines

  • Work with board to develop financial policies and internal controls

  • Respond to auditor findings

  • Report to board on cash flow, budget to actual, and other key financial measures

  • Comply with board-approved financial policies and reporting requirements

  • Work with board to develop and execute fundraising strategy


Board of Directors

  • Ensure that programs are achieving objectives

Executive Director

  • Develop and implement programs

  • Provide evidence of program effectiveness


Board of Directors

  • Hire and evaluate the executive director

  • Approve personnel policies and review salary information

  • Draft grievance and whistleblower policies

Executive Director

Hire and supervise all other staff

Set compensation and benefits for individual employees within organizational policies