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End of Year Appeals

An annual appeal is a request for donations sent at the end of the year for something specific. According to, 30% of annual giving occurs in December, so it's important for nonprofits to position themselves and be prepared for the ask. Below is a template and sample letter to help guide your writing.

DevoCenter Sample Letter


This year we’ve made great strides towards our efforts to help female founders of educational nonprofits deliver meaningful youth programs and have fulfilling careers in community service. In December we will complete the 2nd year pilot of our Changemakers Leadership Program. We also launched our digital library for nonprofit leaders who want to get organized and prepare for funding. We’re excited to share the successes that our leaders have had, the challenges that they still face and give you an opportunity to get involved and support women at work with our kids.


The women we serve are enthusiastic, connected their causes, and dedicated to learning that uplifts and prepares young people for the future. They are knowledgeable, creative problem solvers who selflessly devote their time to improving the lives of others. These nonprofit leaders need support in the form of resources and capacity to continue their important work. In 2022 through our Changemakers program we delivered more than 300 pro bono hours, resulting in operational audits, brand kits and funder packages that help demonstrate organizational readiness and articulate programmatic impact.


In 2023 we intend to continue our work with existing Changemakers. We learned through the pilot that more work is needed around data collection, program evaluation and measurement of outcomes. Assessing program performance is essential for decision-making and inspiring confidence in supporters. Our goal is to raise $12,495 in support of this project.


Please consider a gift of $125 or more in support of women entreprenuers and the young people who rely on them for personal development, out-of-school learning experiences, community service opportunities and holistic care. Your donation can be made securely online at


Thank you for your consideration and for believing that local women can and should be empowered to make positive change in our neighborhoods. Please contact us if we can be of service in any way, and connect with us online:


With sincere love and gratitude,

Charlene Turner
Executive Director
DevoCenter for Service-Learning