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Professional Service-Learning

Professional Service-Learning
Professional Service-Learning is an approach to education that links service-leadership and project management to deep inquiry and reflection.

It's a process for nonprofit and community leaders who want to learn, participate and lead to improve conditions in their neighborhoods.

The DevoCenter Professional Service-Learning Process helps leaders make personal connections to service, execute meaningful projects that measure results, and multiply their impact by sharing what they learn with youth and community partners.

Benefits for Nonprofit and Community Leaders

  • Leaders who participate in professional service-learning get to explore and articulate their values and habits... and they set goals that are aligned to the things that they care about.

  • They become passionate and informed advocates for their causes and they're able to describe a world made better because of their efforts.

  • Learners understand service as a leadership model and develop key management skills.

  • They also broaden their perspectives about what’s possible.

  • With service-learning, leaders develop action plans and execute projects that are designed to measure success.

  • Leaders partner with others to meet needs in their neighborhoods ...and to celebrate!

  • Service leaders encourage civic engagement and participation in others by sharing what they learn.

At DevoCenter we're bringing women together to learn, participate and lead.

If this is exciting to you we hope you'll join us.