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Nonprofit Compliance | Organizing Digital Files

Nonprofit Compliance | Annual Board Checklist
Board members are expected to provide leadership to a nonprofit organization. They are responsible for establishing policy and ensuring compliance, while the executive director (ED) is responsible for implementation and operational oversight. Boards will function differently based on size, history, leadership styles and other factors, however, there are a few things that all boards should do at least annually.

Bylaws and Governance Policies

  • Board members should be aware of and have easy access to corporate documents: bylaws, conflict of interest policy, articles of incorporation, IRS determination letter, meeting minutes.

  • Annually board members should review bylaws and submit certifications to confirm that they understand and agree to abide by the conflict of interest and other governance policies.

Accounting, Filings and Insurance

  • Confirm state filings, charity registrations, employment taxes, insurance, and business licenses (if required) are current.

  • Examine accountants audit and federal 990 or 990N filings; verify tax exempt status.

  • Review financials, approve budget (including Executive Director compensation); evaluate cash flow.

Vision, Mission and Outlook

  • Revisit the vision and mission of the organization, and ensure alignment to current strategy and planned activities.

Brand Presentation

  • Examine website, newsletter, social media channels, proposals, and printed media to assess readiness to share with program participants, donors, partners, funders and friends.

Partnerships and Fundraising

  • Discuss, identify and list current and potential partners and funders. Determine outreach, relationship building and proposal submission strategies.

Organizational Development

  • Participate in Executive Director and board member recruitment.

  • Ensure Executive Director has adequate resources to meet organizational objectives. Review board, staff and volunteer roles and responsibilities to determine if current capacity meets program requirements.

* This checklist is for quick reference and for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace legal advice.
