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Meaningful Service


Meaningful Service is action that is both personally relevant and important to the community. When our programs reflect the vision we have for neighborhood improvement they tend to be more exciting, more rewarding and have a greater impact.

Participating in intentional service is a powerful experience that helps to maintain motivation, improve confidence and deliver effective community service programs. When the work is meaningful we become passionate and informed advocates for our causes and we’re able to describe a world made better because of our efforts.


  • Storytelling: Marketing communication that informs and creates an emotional connections to audiences.

  • Advocacy: Public support for a cause or community solution.

  • Target Population: The people or groups that will benefit or be influenced.

  • Intended Outcomes: The impact you hope to have on your community expressed in detail


Write as little or as much as you like

  • What life experiences have I had that are connected to my organizations mission?
    What has prepared me to do the work I’m doing through my nonprofit?

  • If called upon to be a community advocate, what would be my cause?
    What change do I want to see? What community solution could I speak about at length?

  • What difference do I want my organization to make in the community?
    How will my community look or function differently because of our programs?

  • What is one participant success story that I wouldn’t mind sharing?
    In narrative form provide an example of how one of your programs improved someone life.


  • Complete Your Storytelling Template: Storytelling is how nonprofits explain their mission and relate to audiences. Telling a compelling story builds connections that keeps participants engages and drives supporters to action. Article: Storytelling Template