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Self Reflection


Self-Reflection is the ability to observe and evaluate our thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Articulating our personal values, mindsets, habits and desirable outcomes, helps us make better decisions and live more fulfilling lives. When we are operating in alignment with the vision we hold for our highest self, we are happier and can accomplish our goals with ease.

Self-reflection helps us manage our emotions and improve relationships with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, partners and all of nature. Here we will focus on self-reflection as it relates to our work and community service.


  • Principle: a belief that governs personal behavior

  • Vision: the ability to imagine a reality beyond the current experience

  • Intention: the ability to plan and take action towards an outcome

  • Self-Management: the ability to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors

Write as little or as much as you like

  • What do I care about?
    Here you can choose to make a list or write in paragraph form, things that you love and that are a priority to you. Example: I care about pleasing god, making beautiful memories with my family, and serving my community. God, Family, Community

  • What do I believe in?
    What ideas and guiding principles inform how I interact with the world?

  • What habits do I need to adjust?
    What can I improve upon in my daily routine to increase peace and productivity in my life?

  • What beliefs may be limiting my growth?
    What ideas should I examine and consider evolving so that I can reach my full potential?

  • What difference do I want to make?
    What actions do I want to take to serve my community, and what are the intended outcomes?

  • When do I feel my best?
    What experiences have I had where I felt confident, grateful and humble all at once?


  • Write a Professional Bio: An executive bio describes your personal values and interests, career history and accomplishments. You’ll need a bio for your website, professional networks, and for the many applications and proposals that are submitted to raise funds for your business. Article: Writing an Executive Bio